For seedling growers, the planting risk of traditional seedlings is small. Traditional products have two rules:
1、市场价格与市场供应量以约5年为周期成呈反向变动,市场价格开始走高时种植量跟着赠多,价格随之慢慢下降;供应量达到饱和时橡胶托辊 槽型托辊 皮带托辊 平行托辊 保定搬家 保定搬家电话 保定搬家公司 保定搬家 铜鼎 铜狮子 ,价格跌到谷底;然后种植量开始减少、价格慢慢回升,5年为一个周期周而复始变化着。没有永远的暴利也没有永远的贱价。
1. The market price and market supply change inversely in a cycle of
about 5 years. When the market price begins to rise, the planting volume
increases, and the price decreases slowly; When the supply reaches
saturation, the price falls to the bottom; Then the planting volume
began to decrease and the price slowly picked up. It changed again and
again in a cycle of five years. There is no eternal profiteering and no
eternal bargain.