最常使用于城市园林绿化中如:城区绿化、住宅区绿化、公路绿化、荒山绿化、河堤绿化等。按照现代人的理解,园林不只是作为游憩之用,同时也具有保护和改善环境的功能。植物可以吸收二氧化碳,放出氧气,净化空气;能够在一定程度上吸收有害气体和吸附尘埃,减轻污染;可以调节空气的温度、湿度,改善小气候;还有减弱噪声和防风、防火等防护作用。尤为重要的是园林在心理上和精神上的有益作用,全国幸福感排名靠前流水槽模具 u型槽模具 电缆槽模具 隔离墩钢模具 护坡砖模具 钢制闸门 螺杆式启闭机 卷扬式启闭机的城市,无一不是园林城市。游憩在景色优美和安静的园林中,有助于消除长时间工作带来的紧张和疲乏,使脑力、体力得到恢复。
Greening seedlings are most often used in urban landscaping, such as
urban greening, residential greening, highway greening, barren mountain
greening, river embankment greening, etc. According to the understanding
of modern people, the garden is not only used for recreation, but also
has the function of protecting and improving the environment. Plants can
absorb carbon dioxide, release oxygen and purify the air; It can absorb
harmful gas and dust to a certain extent and reduce pollution; It can
adjust the temperature and humidity of the air and improve the
microclimate; It can also reduce noise, wind and fire protection.
Particularly important is the beneficial role of gardens in psychology
and spirit. All the cities with the highest happiness in China are
garden cities. Recreation in the beautiful and quiet garden can help to
eliminate the tension and fatigue caused by long-time work, and recover
the mental and physical strength